This is a public service announcement with a difference. 

To get people to save water, we brought WA's favourite artists together to record a 4 minute song that everyone could use as a ‘shower timer’. The power of PR then released our tune and music video across a host of pop-culture social and digital platforms.

Our ‘content tsunami’ lead to 1.3 million listens in the first month. And every time the music turned off, so did the taps.
Written, produced and engineered by Kav Temperley
Mixed by Andy Lawson at Debaser
Mastered by Simon Struthers at Forensic Audio
Vocalists: Abbe May, Timothy Nelson, Alison Flintoff, Elli Schoen, Kiera Owen, Lucy Peach, Grace Barbé, Rick Steele, Jacob Diamond, John Bennett, Vin Buchanan, Cassia Ivers-Bradley
Guitar: Luke Dux
Piano: Tony Burke
Drums: Elliot Smith
All other instruments: Kav Temperley

Client: Water Corporation
Agency: 303 MullenLowe
Executive Creative Director: Richard Berney
Art Director: Melissa Hawkett
Animation: Andrew Allingham
Producer: Rozanne Fretz
Senior Business Manager: Jenna Hardie
Media: Sasha Neame and Ali Mackellar
Production: KICK Films
Director: Paul Komadina
Producer: Cody Greenwood
Editor: Frances Elliott
DOP: Dave Le May
Photographer: Liz Looker
West Australian Music: Mike Harris
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