Here's a couple of exerpts from the press release to give a sense of this campaign:

'I Need you to say NO' is an Alcohol.Think Again integrated campaign designed to reinforce the importance of delaying adolescent alcohol initiation until at least 18 years of age.

Richard Berney, Executive Creative Director 303 MullenLowe: 'At the heart of this idea is children asking their parents, to be parents. I have two adolescent children, and their powers of persuasion are surprising and relentless. To me, this idea was the one that held me - my kids ultimately need me to say 'no'.

303 MullenLowe
Executive Creative Director/Creative: Richard Berney
Copywriter: Melita Masters
Copywriter: Molly Cathcart
Art Director: Bianca Galan-Dwyer
Producer: Rozanne Fretz
Planning Director: John Linton
Strategic Planner: Milica Djurovic
Client Services Director: Todd Baker

Production Co: Beautiful Pictures
Producer: Kate Downie
Director: Jess Bluck
Post Production: The Office of John Cheese
DOP: Patrick O'Sullivan
Sound: Nick Gallagher - Brainestorm
Photographer: Sam Harris Photography
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